Learn To Channel Your Guides and Angels - October 2023

This is an in-depth, step by step course that will assist you with awakening your psychic abilities in order to communicate directly with your own spirit guides, and angels. You will also learn how to channel other people’s spirit guides and angels. This is a live, virtual course that is limited to a smaller number of participants. Limiting the number of students assist in ensuring that you will be mentored properly through the awakening process so that success is achieved. No prior experience or understanding of channeling is required.

Dear Sheila, I just wanted to let you know that yesterday's session about channelling for others was beyond words for me. I felt so much happiness and chills when doing the exercises. I was exhausted when I started, but after the class, I felt invigorated. All my tiredness was gone. Each class was exhilarating. When I saw the schedule, I knew I had many things going on simultaneously in my life. So I thought it would be challenging for me to find the time to attend classes and practise. However, I was so deeply drawn to this course. Such a strong gut feeling that I just couldn't resist. I don't know how I managed to attend all classes. Afterwards, I learned it was the right time and place for me to be, and I was genuinely guided to learn this valuable information and techniques. I know practice is the key, and when I’m doing it now or in class, I feel safe and secure. For me, practice is more straightforward than I thought. Amazingly easy even with the normal expected resistance to this not yet explored space me. Always grateful 

-Sonia (Canada/Venezuela) 

Course Curriculum

Sheila Trecartin

Course Pricing

Learn to Channel Your Angels and Guides

$1111 CAD

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